What is Traumatic Invalidation?

What is Traumatic Invalidation?

Did you know that most people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have suffered trauma in their life, and particularly in their early years? And much of the trauma they experience includes traumatic invalidation or results from traumatic invalidation. If you...
How to Say No Effectively and Keep Your Friends

How to Say No Effectively and Keep Your Friends

Saying can be a challenge especially when you want to maintain good relationships with friends. Somehow saying no can seem like a rejection of our friends or as if we are saying we don’t value them. Here are some ways to say no gracefully without risking your...
Trauma and the Impact on Relationships

Trauma and the Impact on Relationships

Trauma can be invasive, impacting your interactions with those you love and interact with. The lingering effects of childhood abuse, the aftermath of a natural disaster, or the scars left by an abusive relationship, trauma can leave lasting imprints that affect how we...
Three Ideas for Increasing Intimacy in Your Life

Three Ideas for Increasing Intimacy in Your Life

Show up for others and be mindful of the relationship. There is so much loneliness in the world today. Blame it on the pandemic or technology or something else but loneliness is epidemic. Loneliness is one of the primary issues for perfectionists, people who have...