The DBT Center offers a highly specialized intensive outpatient program (IOP) for adolescents still in middle or high school, ages 13-18, struggling with anxiety, depression, anger issues, and trauma. The program is based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) an evidenced-based treatment.
When teens experience emotional pain, that pain can be expressed in multiple ways that interfere with their development, relationships, and healthy functioning. They may turn to destructive behaviors such as underachievement, self-harm, and substance use. Our program focuses on building adaptive coping skills for these youth and their parents/families/caretakers by teaching Dialectical Behavioral Therapy’s modules of skills, including Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and emphasis on Emotion Regulation skills.
The DBT Center offers a 6-hour intensive outpatient programs (IOP) for adolescents.
“It’s not that I hated myself when I came there, but now I know who I am and I like that person. Everything my whole life has been so hard, and I could never handle things, but now I can manage things with the tools that I’ve learned and I know I can deal with pain when it happens. This program really changed my life.”
more about The Adolescent IOP Program
About The 6 Hour Program
- The 6-hour IOP program meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 4 to 6.
- The parent/caretaker group is part of the IOP meetings on Mondays (4 to 6 pm).
- The IOP Program is not covered by insurance.
Length of Treatment
The estimated length of treatment for the intensive program is approximately 8-12 weeks but is ultimately based on the needs of the client. Our program is appropriate as a step-down program from inpatient programs and is an intermediate care option for those adolescents who do not require inpatient treatment but need more intensive treatment than weekly sessions.
6 hour Adolescent IOP : $780
If we are not covered by your insurance, check with your insurance company for out of network benefits. We will provide you with a receipt to submit to your insurance company.
IOP Schedule
Family/Caregiver Group: Monday 4 to 6
Caregivers and parents learn ways to respond effectively to various situations that happen with their adolescent. They set their own goals and work toward ways to best support their teen in working toward psychological health and well-being.
Adolescent IOP Group: Monday and Thursday, 4 to 6
The group starts with a review of skills taught on Thursday, and how the teens practiced the skill. Practicing the skills is critical for behavior change. The leader focuses on feedback on how they practiced the skill and reinforcing changes in managing emotions through skill use. A new skill is taught, and homework assigned.
To learn more about the DBT skills taught on Mondays and Thursdays, see below.
DBT Skills Learned In The Program
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a proven therapy for learning emotion regulation. Teens learn how to manage their emotions effectively in stressful situations and are given opportunities to practice those skills in group interactions. We emphasize practical application so the teen can consider consequences and reduce and eliminate destructive choices. Part of the program involves teens participating in activities together to apply what they have learned. Practicing what is being learned is key to making behavioral changes.
Families/caretakers are included in the program in a family skills group. They learn how to apply DBT skills themselves, learn ways to reduce destructive conflict in the home, and how to support their adolescent in their recovery. Parenting concerns that the participants encounter are addressed.
DBT skills modules include Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, The Middle Path and Interpersonal Effectiveness. Mindfulness is about staying in the present moment. It includes being aware of your thoughts and urges, and not acting impulsively or jumping into the future or dwelling on the past. Emotion regulation skills focus on being more in control of your emotions. Distress Tolerance Skills are about getting through a difficult situation without making it worse. Interpersonal effectiveness is about asking for what you want, setting appropriate boundaries, being able to say no effectively, and more.
Individual Therapy Sessions
and Coaching Calls
Individual sessions are scheduled by the individual therapist as needed for effective treatment and progress. Adolescents can continue to work with a therapist outside the Center or can work with a Center therapist. Individual sessions are not included in the program but are required for participation in the program.
Coaching calls are also included for those adolescents who are seen individually by a therapist in the Center. When the adolescent is faced with coping with tough situations and difficult emotions, they can contact their therapist for help with skills to use. For those being seen by therapists not affiliated with the Center, the adolescent and their family would discuss this option with their individual therapist.