
Overwhelming grief can be painfully debilitating 

Grief is a natural reaction to a loss, typically a loss involving the death of someone close to you. But grief can be about many different types of losses, and even the anticipation of a loss. It could be grief about a marriage or relationship ending, or grief about career hopes that never materialized. You may be stuck in denial and not even be aware of the underlying loss. Perhaps you are grieving that you will never have the supportive, loving parents that you wanted.

You may experience sadness, or anxiety, difficulty thinking clearly, fatigue, and loss of interest in daily activities. You may experience a loss of direction and hope. Sometimes, when you are avoiding grief, you will experience a general anxiety that seems unrelated to anything in your life. Sometimes grief will be ever present and sometimes it will come in waves. Sometimes grief that is prolonged or chronic is described as complicated grief. The grief can be so intense, that you feel like a part of you has died. You may feel numb and unable to function or enjoy activities you used to love.

Overwhelming sadness which may be accompanied by frequent crying.

Physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, heartaches or stomachaches.

Experiencing vivid dreams or thinking one sees or hears the deceased.

Trouble sleeping, by either sleeping too much or insomnia.

Anger or frustration towards oneself or others that may include ceaseless recurring thoughts.

Obtain mental peace with a grief therapy specialist.

Process Grief Alongside An Empathetic Specialist

We have many options for working with grief, depending on your needs. The starting point is often to pinpoint what was lost, as sometimes it is not clear. Connecting with the specific loss that was suffered, such as a particular belief about life or yourself, is the path to recovery.  Perhaps the grief is traumatic grief, and trauma also needs to be addressed. In other situations, skills for acknowledging, feeling and coping effectively may be important. 

With a personalized approach, our grief specialists help you navigate your way through emotional processing and achieve higher functioning. Our therapists may not be able to bring back what you have lost, but can help you gain a new sense of direction, peace of mind, and coping tools.